Match the phrase with the correct benefit of stretching.
lowers blood pressure: improved circulation
less pain with movement: decreased joint movement
fewer leg muscle cramps: improved posture
less back pain: improved posture
stronger pairs of muscles: improved posture
greater range of motion: decrease joint stiffness
better mood: improved ability to relax
warmer feet: improved circulation
1. I have been running up and down the stirs in my house and doing sit ups and squats
2.Not being able to visit some family and friends
3.Stress about school work and needing help getting the work done
4.Relax and just take everything day by day
Hope this helps
It consists of just a few kinds of atoms: carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and phosphorus. Combinations of these atoms form the sugar-phosphate backbone of the DNA -- the sides of the ladder, in other words. Other combinations of the atoms form the four bases: thymine (T), adenine (A), cytosine (C), and guanine (G).