No you can not eat poop. It is waste and full of disease
Butter is NOT healthy at all. period
These are all receptors that react to certain kinds of stimuli. The chemoreceptors react when there are changes in chemical concentrations within the body; the mechanoreceptors detect pressure or distorted stimuli; and the nocioreceptors send signals of pain to the spinal cord and brain.
Spicy food actually does not have a specific location in the taste buds of the tongue. This is the reason why it is not considered a flavor but rather a sensation. Spicy food stimulates the release of chemicals and signals to the brain which are detected by these different kinds of receptors.
a group of people living in the same place or having a particular characteristic in common.
Gliding Joints are found between bones that meet at flat or mostly flat surfaces. They allow for gliding movement of the bones past each other.
Condyloid joints allow for two planes of movement in flexion, extension, adduction, abduction, and/circumduction. These generally follow a convex/concave relationship between the bones that are joined via this joint.
You can find both types in the wrist.