A skin cell, or any cell covering the surface of an organ are also known as epithelial cells.
The answer is TRUE.
The statement: Cigarette smoking is a major risk factor for developing cancer of the cervix. Is considered to be TRUE.
they could be producers or consumers
producers make their own food/energy
consumers get energy from other living things
Hydrolysis is a process in which polymers are brokendown into monomers
Macromolecules such as carbohydrates,proteins,lipids and nucleic acids are important components of the body cells. These components are important for an organism to survive and grow.Most macromolecules are polymers. A molecule of polymer is formed by binding of many smaller molecule called the monomers. These simple monomers linked together to form a complex polymer. The polymers and monomers are typically found the sugar. The monomers are bind together into long chain called polymers.But lipids are not polymers because they built by different monomers which resemble each other in their composition.
Answer: D. Sedimentary
Sedimentary rocks are formed overtime are different particles of sand, shells, pebbles and other fragments of materials form layers and harden into rock.