The effiency decreases at higher altitudes
The higher up a person is on a mountain, the thinner the air is due to the lack of plants that can grow. An example of this is Mount Everest. At a certian point on the mountain, called the "Death Zone", the air is too thin to supply enough oxygen to the human body to survive. That's why they bring oxygen tanks with them on their adventures.
d.They prevent the two parental strands from coming together again.
During the process of DNA replication, the two DNA strands should be separated from each other to serve as a template. To separate the two DNA strands, the helicase enzyme breaks down the hydrogen bonds between the complementary base pairs of the DNA strands. The process uses ATP as a source of energy.
Due to the presence of complementary base pairs, the separated DNA strands have a tendency to reanneal by the formation of hydrogen bonds. To prevent the reannealing of separated DNA strands, single stranded binding proteins bind to them. Binding to single stranded binding proteins to the separated DNA strands does not allow them to reanneal.
I am thinking it is by heating themselves in sunlight. I think this because when I bring lizards to mind, they are cold blooded, and they need sunlight to bath in so they do not start to lack warmth to live.
I hope this helps.
Answer:The nuclear envelope reforms during the phase of mitosis called telophase. Telophase is the last phase of mitosis.
The Mendelian principles of inheritance ARE APPLIED IN HUMANS. Both plants and animalls posseses two alleles (forms) of each gene, and are inherited in Mendelian ways. Some genetic diseases are Mendelian diseases and are inherited according to Mendel laws, those are the diseases caused BY A SINGLE GENE. However, there are multigenic diseases (that involves more than one gene), multifactorial diseases (which involves several genes and environmental factors), and chromosomic diseases (like 21 trisomy) and all of these does not follow the Mendel laws.