If you see distilled water, it's a pure substance. That means that there are only water molecules in the liquid. A mixture would be a glass of water with other things dissolved inside, like one of those powders you take if you get sick or Kool-Aid.
Round to the number of significant figures in the original question. However, if you're going to proceed with further calculations using this mass, it's best not to round, as rounding will cause your answer to be less precise.
In order to get HgO you would need 2Hg+1O2=2HgO. Since oxygen is diatomic you need two when it stands alone causing you to need two mercuries to balance out the reactants and the product I hope this helps
C) Thermal energy. Your body turns the mechanical energy into thermal energy.
Firsthand association assigns energy throughout conduction. Radiation transpires when particles consume energy that progresses as a wave. The heat will run from the h2O to the ice continuously until the ice has absolutely melted so both elements have reached the same temperature.