Beta radiation / decay would likely occur when the ratio of protons to neutrons is below the band of stability.
A residue from a gunshot is most likely gun powder, which tells you what kind of bullet was shot and the type of gun that was used to shoot the target/victim/person. Some complications may be that there is more than one gun or weapon which uses that residue, so it may be hard to pinpoint it and the bullet can't really tell you who it is unless there's DNA on the bullet, and the chemicals of the bullet may even destroy evidence.
It is an area that is covered in grasses and wildflowers that receives enough rainfall to support the grassland but not the growth of trees.
Hydrogen Bonds Make Water Sticky
This sticking together of like substances is called cohesion. Depending on how attracted molecules of the same substance are to one another, the substance will be more or less cohesive. Hydrogen bonds cause water to be exceptionally attracted to each other. Therefore, water is very cohesive.