1. The benefits of been assertive include the following:
a. It improve one self image: When you choose to be assertive, you adopt a self realistic image.
b. It enhance how we understand others: Been assertive helps you to see others in a more realistic context.
c. Promote self awareness and self confidence: Been assertive helps you to develop a greater respect for your own points of view when dealing with issues.
d. Been assertive is a less stressful way of communicating.
2. The three steps needed to develop assertive communication, include:
a. Learn to 'no' more often: refuse to please everyone and do not behave according to people expectations of you. Be yourself.
b. Your tone must be properly turned when talking: Do not raise your voice or rush a communication. Be calm and cool when talking.
c. Be open to communication: Be willing to discuss issues until a suitable solution is found.
d. Pay attention to non-verbal communication of others: Keep eye contact when communicating and pay attention to other body gestures.
You pull on the oars. By the third law, the oars push back on your hands, but that’s irrelevant to the motion of the boat. The other end of each oar (the blade) pushes against the water. By the third law, the water pushes back on the oars, pushing the boat forward.
your answer is: electron → carbon atom → quantum dot → E. coli bacteria cell → comma