Pure chemistry: gain knowledge for own pleasure
Applied chemistry: gain knowledge to know how to use it
You may not realise it, but you come across aldehydes and ketones many times a day. Take cakes and biscuits, for example. Their golden, caramelised crust is formed thanks to the Mailliard reaction. This is a process that occurs at temperatures above 140° C, when sugars with the carbonyl group in foods react with nucleophilic amino acids to create new and complex flavours and aromas.
Another example is formaldehyde. Correctly known as methanal, it is the most common aldehyde in industry. It has multiple uses, such as in tanning and embalming, or as a fungicide. However, we can also react it with different molecules to make a variety of more useful compounds. These include polymers, adhesives and precursors to explosives. But how do aldehydes and ketones react, and why?You should remember from Aldehydes and Ketones that they both contain the carbonyl functional group , . This is a carbon atom joined to an oxygen atom by a double bond. Let's take a closer look at it.
If we compare the electronegativities of carbon and oxygen, we can see that oxygen is a lot more electronegative than carbon.
Chemical Classification Carbonate
La tabla periódica de moseley fue una manera de dar solución a esta problemática, ya que nos permite tener a la mano todos los elementos que se han descubierto hasta la actualidad y sus propiedades químicas más resaltantes.
A continuación se Describe una linea del tiempo de la creación de la tabla periodica:
1820 - se crean las tríadas de Dobereiner.
1863 - se crea el cilindro de chancourtois.
1864 - se crean las octavas de newlands.
1869 - se crea el primer prototipo de la tabla periódica.
1914 - se fórmula la ley periódica moderna por Moseley.