The number of hours that will be needed to charge a 600mah battery will be 1.5 hours.
What is a battery?</h3>
It should be noted that an electric battery simply means a source of electric power that consist of one or more electrochemical cells that are with external connections that are important for powering electrical devices.
It should be noted that when a battery is supplying power, then the positive terminal is the cathode while the negative terminal is the anode.
In conclusion, the number of hours that will be needed to charge a 600mah battery will be 1.5 hours.
Learn more about battery on:
# kelvin_to_celsius function is defined
# it has value_kelvin as argument
def kelvin_to_celsius(value_kelvin):
# value_celsius is initialized to 0.0
value_celsius = 0.0
# value_celsius is calculated by
# subtracting 273.15 from value_kelvin
value_celsius = value_kelvin - 273.15
# value_celsius is returned
return value_celsius
# celsius_to_kelvin function is defined
# it has value_celsius as argument
def celsius_to_kelvin(value_celsius):
# value_kelvin is initialized to 0.0
value_kelvin = 0.0
# value_kelvin is calculated by
# adding 273.15 to value_celsius
value_kelvin = value_celsius + 273.15
# value_kelvin is returned
return value_kelvin
value_c = 0.0
value_k = 0.0
value_c = 10.0
# value_c = 10.0 is used to test the function celsius_to_kelvin
# the result is displayed
print(value_c, 'C is', celsius_to_kelvin(value_c), 'K')
value_k = 283.15
# value_k = 283.15 is used to test the function kelvin_to_celsius
# the result is displayed
print(value_k, 'is', kelvin_to_celsius(value_k), 'C')
Image of celsius_to_kelvin function used as guideline is attached
Image of program output is attached.
The Python Code for Fibonacci Sequence is :
# Function for nth Fibonacci number
def Fibonacci(n):
if n<0:
print("Incorrect input")
# First Fibonacci number is 0
elif n==0:
return 0
# Second Fibonacci number is 1
elif n==1:
return 1
return Fibonacci(n-1)+Fibonacci(n-2)
# Driver Program
The Fibonacci numbers are the numbers in the following integer sequence.
0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, ……..
In mathematical terms, the sequence Fn of Fibonacci numbers is defined by the recurrence relation
Fn = Fn-1 + Fn-2
with seed values
F0 = 0 and F1 = 1.
Mark brainliest please!
Isothermal work will be less than the adiabatic work for any given compression ratio and set of suction conditions. The ratio of isothermal work to the actual work is the isothermal efficiency. Isothermal paths are not typically used in most industrial compressor calculations.
Compressors are used to move gases and vapors in situations where large pressure differences are necessary.
Types of Compressor
Compressors are classified by the way they work: dynamic (centrifugal and axial) or reciprocating. Dynamic compressors use a set of rotating blades to add velocity and pressure to fluid. They operate at high speeds and are driven by steam or gas turbines or electric motors. They tend to be smaller and lighter for a given service than reciprocating machines, and hence have lower costs.
Reciprocating compressors use pistons to push gas to a higher pressure. They are common in natural gas gathering and transmission systems, but are less common in process applications. Reciprocating compressors may be used when very large pressure differences must be achieved; however, since they produce a pulsating flow, they may need to have a receiver vessel to dampen the pulses.
The compression ratio, pout over pin, is a key parameter in understanding compressors and blowers. When the compression ratio is below 4 or so, a blower is usually adequate. Higher ratios require a compressor, or multiple compressor stages, be used.
When the pressure of a gas is increased in an adiabatic system, the temperature of the fluid must rise. Since the temperature change is accompanied by a change in the specific volume, the work necessary to compress a unit of fluid also changes. Consequently, many compressors must be accompanied by cooling to reduce the consequences of the adiabatic temperature rise. The coolant may flow through a jacket which surrounds the housing with liquid coolant. When multiple stage compressors are used, intercooler heat exchangers are often used between the stages.
Dynamic Compressors
Gas enters a centrifugal or axial compressor through a suction nozzle and is directed into the first-stage impeller by a set of guide vanes. The blades push the gas forward and into a diffuser section where the gas velocity is slowed and the kinetic energy transferred from the blades is converted to pressure. In a multistage compressor, the gas encounters another set of guide vanes and the compression step is repeated. If necessary, the gas may pass through a cooling loop between stages.
Compressor Work
To evaluate the work requirements of a compressor, start with the mechanical energy balance. In most compressors, kinetic and potential energy changes are small, so velocity and static head terms may be neglected. As with pumps, friction can be lumped into the work term by using an efficiency. Unlike pumps, the fluid cannot be treated as incompressible, so a differential equation is required:
Compressor Work
Evaluation of the integral requires that the compression path be known - - is it adiabatic, isothermal, or polytropic?
uncooled units -- adiabatic, isentropic compression
complete cooling during compression -- isothermal compression
large compressors or incomplete cooling -- polytropic compression
Before calculating a compressor cycle, gas properties (heat capacity ratio, compressibility, molecular weight, etc.) must be determined for the fluid to be compressed. For mixtures, use an appropriate weighted mean value for the specific heats and molecular weight.
Adiabatic, Isentropic Compression
If there is no heat transfer to or from the gas being compressed, the porocess is adiabatic and isentropic. From thermodynamics and the study of compressible flow, you are supposed to recall that an ideal gas compression path depends on:
Adiabatic Path
This can be rearranged to solve for density in terms of one known pressure and substituted into the work equation, which then can be integrated.
Adiabatic Work
The ratio of the isentropic work to the actual work is called the adiabatic efficiency (or isentropic efficiency). The outlet temperature may be calculated from
Adiabatic Temperature Change
Power is found by multiplying the work by the mass flow rate and adjusting for the units and efficiency.
Isothermal Compression
If heat is removed from the gas during compression, an isothermal compression cycle may be achieved. In this case, the work may be calculated from:
According to O*NET, the common work contexts for Licensing Examiners and Inspectors include:
- Telephone
- Face-to-face discussions
- Contact with others
- Importance of being exact or accurate.
O*NET is an acronym for occupational information network and it refers to a free resource center or online database that is updated from time to time with several occupational definitions, so as to help the following categories of people understand the current work situation in the United States of America:
- Workforce development professionals
- Human resource (HR) managers
On O*NET, work contexts are typically used to describe the physical and social elements that are common to a particular profession or occupational work. Also, the less common work contexts are listed toward the bottom while common work contexts are listed toward the top.
According to O*NET, the common work contexts for Licensing Examiners and Inspectors include:
1. Telephone
2. Face-to-face discussions
3. Contact with others
4. Importance of being exact or accurate.
Read more on work contexts here: