Your answer is D. multimedia software
Automation. ... It involves taking a machine or software that was taught to do simple repetitive tasks (traditional automation) and teaching it to intuitively adapt or correct its performance based on changing conditions, at speed and scale.
This code will no get executed properly.It will give keyerror Brianna.
In this dictionary we defined in the code the there is no key Brianna hence there is no corresponding value to Brianna.So assigning ages['Brianna] to value will obviously give error since there exits no key with this name.So the code will give error.
Answer is 1 degree.
W MAP stands for Wilkinson Anisotropy Probe which was working from 2001 to 2010 .It usually measured the temperature differences.Big Bang was a partnership with NASA and Princeton University. So if universe is geometrically flat we should observed that temperate between patches are separated by 1 degree.Because Universe is oval shape and contain 360 angular shape but if it goes flat we can see the patches at very low distance that is 1 degree.
Binary search divides the array to be search each in half according to the value of the element.
The worst case time complexity of binary search is O(logN).
In this case the time complexity will come out to be log₂(1024)=10.
So the binary search can divide this array in half maximum of 10 times.
Hence the main loop will executes 10 times.