Bernoulli's Theorem in a general sense relates the weight, speed, and rise in a moving fluid (liquid or gas), the compressibility and consistency (internal grinding) of which are insignificant and the flood of which is predictable, or laminar.
(1): We can discover the speed of Efflux of a fluid.
This is given by v= sqrt (2gh), where the fluid is turning out from an opening in a vessel at profundity h from free fluid surface. This condition is known as Torricelli's hypothesis.
(2): Vena Contracta: The fluid stream from gap contracts at a separation minimal outside the opening to a neck, called Vena Contracta.
The territory of cross-segment of a fly is littler than a zone of opening. From this reality, we can discover the coefficient of withdrawal.
(3) : Bernoulli's standard is utilized in the development of Venturimeter, an instrument for estimation of measure of a stream of a fluid through a pipe.
volume of 
Firstly balance the given chemical equation,

From the given balance equation it is clearly that,
2 mole of Li gives 1 mole of H2 gas
3 mole of Li will give 1.5 mole H2 gas
therefore volume of gas produced from 3 mole Li at 
volume of H2=33.6 litre
When a solid turns into a liquid
Example: Ice cube melts into water