<span>Suda karıştırıldıysa, kaynatma ile hacmi azaltmayı deneyebilirsiniz, ancak bir veya daha fazla çözüm bulunmaması durumunda çok uzun sürecektir. Çözeltiye fazla aseton ilavesi, filtrelenebilen tuzu çöktürmelidir. Asetondan buharlaşma şeker üretecektir.</span>
The first step in the two-step process of making a solution is the breakdown of the solute source into Atomic particles
for a solution to break the solute must be dissociated and break into the atomic particles
so correct option is D
hope it helps
The most likely reason is that basalt is an extrusive rock, while granite is an intrusive rock. What this means is that basalt forms at the surface of the earth, where temperatures are cooler. Because of the cooler external temperature, basalt cools relatively quickly, and there isn't as much time for mineral crystals within the rock to align to form larger crystals while the rock is cooling. Granite, on the other hand, forms below the surface of the earth, where temperatures are significantly higher. Therefore, it doesn't cool as quickly, and the minerals within granite have more time to form larger crystals and the rock cools.
where is the graph i need it to answer haha put the graph then i will answer