a company has thousand and $4582 to give out in bonuses in amount is to be given out equally to each of the 22 employees. a mana
ger Jake respond to 22 goes into 44 twice each employee will give about $2000 is his estimate correct why or why not how much would each employee receive rounded to the nearest whole dollar. Thank u Show your work
$4582 need to be distributed equally among 22 employees . Hence we need to divide 4582 by 22 to know the amount each one will get. Since 44=22*2 , The manager can estimate that each one of the employee will get around $200 as bonus. So his reason to estimate was correct but the estimated amount was incorrect.
You need to make a blank graph that goes from 1 to 10 in each direction and then just plot the points. sorry the picture is sideways idk how to fix it.