How members of the lower house of Congress should be elected. -What should be done about the slave trade. -How the power of the executive branch be structured. -How the Constitution should be considered for ratification. -How the states should be represented in national legislature. -the national governments role in issuing paper money. -division of national and state powers. -extent of veto power. -which governmental body should have the power to declare war. -if slaves should be counted in determining representation in national legislature
Hope this helps
D. You cannot infer causality from a correlational study.
In correctional design, the main focus of the researcher is to find out the relationships that will be naturally formed if two or more variables are paired with one another.
But, sometimes the relationships that are naturally formed do not necessarily caused by the interaction by the variables.
Here is an example:
Variable 1 : Older age
Variable 2: Conservatism
On average, as people grow older , people tend to have a more conservative political view compared to the younger generations. (There is a correlation between the two)
But, the conservative ideology is not necessarily caused by the age itself. Inability to follow the current cultural trend would more likely play a bigger factor.
the answer is D encouraged slaveholder's resistance to abolitionist activists