The lower the frequency the lower the pitch sound.
Les plantes produisent de l'oxygène et ont contribué à faire de la Terre une planète habitable. Grâce au processus de photosynthèse pendant la journée, les plantes absorbent le dioxyde de carbone de l'air, le convertissent en sucre et libèrent de l'oxygène dans l'atmosphère.
Les plantes consomment du dioxyde de carbone - un gaz à effet de serre important - au cours du processus de photosynthèse. La réduction du dioxyde de carbone dans l'atmosphère a un effet de refroidissement indirect. Les plantes refroidissent également l'atmosphère car elles libèrent de la vapeur d'eau lorsqu'elles deviennent chaudes, un processus similaire à la transpiration.
la température, l'humidité et l'intensité lumineuse autour de la plante; la concentration de dioxyde de carbone dans l'air autour des feuilles. La relation est inverse; autrement dit, à mesure que la concentration de CO2 augmente, le nombre de stomates produits diminue, et vice versa.
A pinhole camera<span> is a simple </span>camera<span> without a lens but with a tiny aperture, a</span>pinhole<span> – effectively a light-proof box with a small hole in one side. Light from a scene passes through the aperture and projects an inverted image on the opposite side of the box, which is known as the </span>camera<span> obscura effect.</span>
vector with direction equal to the axis X.
We use the Gauss Law and the superposition law in order to solve this problem.
<u>Superposition Law:</u> the Total Electric field is the sum of the electric field of the first infinite sheet and the Electric field of the second infinite sheet:
<u>Thanks Gauss Law</u> we know that the electric field of a infinite sheet with density of charge σ is:
This electric field has a direction in the axis perpendicular to the sheets, that means it has the same direction as the axis X.
a. If c = 20 cm, then the mass of the brain is m = 5 g.
b. At c = 20 cm, the brain's mass is increasing at a rate of 15.75 g/cm.
From the equation
we have
a. for c = 20 cm
then the mass is m(20) = 5 g.
b. In order to find the rate of change, first we derivate
Evaluated at c = 20 cm, we have
So, at c = 20 cm, the mass of the brain is increasing at a rate of 15.75 g/cm.