Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)
1. Mantén la calma y apóyale.
2. Escucha y pregunta
3. Fomenta el razonamiento y la lógica.
4. Trabaja la responsabilidad
5. Involúcrate en su educación.
6. Cuida su salud
7. Vigila sus comportamientos y, ante problemas serios, busca ayuda.
Sweat is mainly water but also has some salt in it. The main function of sweat is to control temperature, or lower. When the water in sweat evaporates, the skin is cooled.
You didn't include a story, but the hotter it is and the more you move, the more you will sweat. This will lower anyone's bodily water. It is best to stay hydrated, preferable with electrolytes since sodium is lost also when you sweat.
SADD is abbreviated from Students Against Destructive Decisions, and is an organization, as the name itself says, whose aim is to prevent accidents from students taking potentially destructive decisions.
Since its founding, the organization changed its name - it used to be named Students Against Driving Drunk, however, they widened their area of these destructive decisions, not only to driving drunk, but to any other decision that may harm a student.