week, but he must work less than ... 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 ... The graph shows the numbers of two types of custom wood tables that can ... Which system of linear inequalities. Custom Tables represents the graph? x + y = 15 ... u=50-2x. 4 = 20. Amount. Ones like not be on test lo+ll. 50-2x320 weeks. 11.
Step-by-step explanation:
9. Option D, 2(3x + 5) and 6x + 10
10. 9 + 3 (10÷2) - 5² = -1
Hope this helps!
So the definition of a regular polygon is that the sides are all equal, the interior angles are all equal, and the exterior angles are all equal.
Notice how with #s 3 and 4, the angles are all shown as equal, as well as their sides. However, #s 5 and 6 have different angles and sides, respectively.
Therefore 3 and 4 are regular, but 5 and 6 are irregular (not regular).