Be there for them and let them know they're not alone.
4 types of mutation:
Germline mutations occur in gametes. Somatic mutations occur in other body cells.
Chromosomal alterations are mutations that change chromosome structure.
Point mutations change a single nucleotide.
Frameshift mutations are additions or deletions of nucleotides that cause a shift in the reading frame.
3 more:
Over a lifetime our DNA can undergo changes or 'mutations?' in the sequence of bases?, A, C, G and T.
This results in changes in the proteins that are made.
Mutations can occur during DNA replication if errors are made and not corrected in time.
Chromosomes contain genes, which help to determine an organism's traits. Genes come in alternate forms called alleles. The actual gene combination that an organism receives from its parents is called its genotype, while the trait that gets expressed as a result is referred to as its phenotype. If an offspring receives the same type of allele for a given gene from each parent, it is said to be h o m o z y g o u s. If the alleles differ, it is h e t e r o z y g o u s.
b. ventricles
The right and left ventricles