the quality or state of being malleable: such as. a : capability of being shaped or extended by hammering, forging, etc. the malleability of tin.
what is the answers? i cant help you without the answers
Hi, silicon is essential in solar panels because, silicon is a semiconductor material (meaning a solid substance that has a conductivity of an insulator and is an essential component of most electric circuits ) now, when dipped with impurities such as gallium and arsenic it has the ability to capture the suns energy and convert to electricity. hope this is helpful if it is than put a thank you plz.
A = 4\pi r^2
A = 4\pi (2\mu m /2)^2 (10^{-6}m/1\mu m)^2 (1mm/10{-3})^2
A = 1.33*!0^{-5}MM^2