AnswerAmontons's law. If the temperature is increased, the average speed and kinetic energy of the gas molecules increase. ... If the gas volume is decreased, the container wall area decreases and the molecule-wall collision frequency increases, both of which increase the pressure exerted by the gas (Figure 1).:
25 seconds
Assuming the woman is accelerating at a constant rate of
from the initial velocity, u=4.20 m/s, to the final velocity, v=5.00 m/s.
Let she takes t seconds to cover the distance, s=115 m.
As acceleration, 

Now, from the equation of motion

[ from equation (i)]

Hence, she takes 25 seconds to walk the distance.
One of the primary advantages of thermal power is that the generation costs are extremely low. No fuel is needed to generate the power, and the minimal energy needed to pump water to the Earth's surface can be taken from the total energy yield.
OK both stars are burning and as they burn they emit electromagnetic radiation (light) and as we move in the light spectrum red comes before blue, so the star that looks red is cooler because as the temperature decreases the colour decreases
The thermonuclear fusion(only occurs at extreme conditions of temperature and pressure like interiors of stars) of Hydrogen takes place in The Sun's core.
Every four hydrogen atoms combine to form a Helium atom with a release of 26.7Mev of energy.
On a large scale this amount of energy can be very huge.
It is calculated that tis proces has being going on for the past
years and with the amount of Hydrogen left will be sufficient to keep it going for the same amount of time in the future.
After this process ends,the Sun's core which will be mostly Helium,will start to cool and collapse under its own gravity.