The Union army under the command of Major General William T Sherman
theology and history
The study of religion has long be done though anthropological views which formed the major thoughts in the development of the field of religious studies. The anthropology of religion, in most situations, have concentrated on social elements that are always identified as religious, beliefs about heavenly beings and God himself.
Throughout the history of mankind, the study of anthropology has shown our ever developing relationships with other individuals and culture. Anthropologists also examine the features of past and present communities of human beings via different techniques and systems.
Diversion is a legal process that involves the removal of or diverting a defendant out of the criminal justice system or court and having them committed to a rehabilitation (diversion) program instead of being incarcerated or serving another sentence. This process is usually employed in juvenile offenders and delinquents, the aim is to reform the offenders to become better individuals and it is also an alternative reformative measure since they are not technically not old enough to serve jail sentences.