To calculate the valance electrons, look at the periodic table to find the valance electrons for each atom and add them together. P is in column 5A, so it has 5, Br is in column 7A, so it has 7 (multiply by 4 since there are 4 Br atoms to give 28) and there is a 1- charge, so add one more electron. 5+28+1=34, so there are 34 electrons to place. P would be the central atom, so place it in the middle. Place each Br around the P (as shown above) with a a single line connecting it. Each line represents 2 electrons, so 8 total have been place, leaving 26 remaining. Place 6 electrons around each Br (2 on each of the unbonded sides), which leaves 2 electrons remaining. The remaining pair of unbound electrons will be attached to the P between any two Br atoms. Phosphorus doesn't have to follow the octet rule, so it actually ends up with 10 valance electrons.
'Wave' is a common term for a number of different ways in which energy is transferred: In electromagnetic waves, energy is transferred through vibrations of electric and magnetic fields. In sound waves, energy is transferred through vibration of air particles or particles of a solid through which the sound travels.
True statment
2) Styrofoam would make a good calorimeter
3) Insulating material would make a good calorimeter
The calorimeter is one which is insulated that is which will not absorb or let the heat to escape from it. the calorimeter is used to measure the heat change during a process so if it will allow to exchange heat with surrounding it will deviate the readings or observence.
Copper is a good conductor of heat so we cannot use it make a calorimeter.
1) Copper would make a good calorimeter : False
2) Styrofoam would make a good calorimeter: True
Styrofoam is a bad conductor or insulator so it can be and it is used for calorimeter.
3) Insulating material would make a good calorimeter
: True
4) A good calorimeter should easily absorb heat : false
Now I'm just going to assume you mean Charles law. So when working with gases, there are 4 properties: pressure, volume, temp, and quantity. The simple gas laws deal with 2, while leaving the other 2 constant. If Charles' Law changes temp and volume, what 2 stay constant? Pressure and quantity