Analog and digital signals are the types of signals carrying information. The major difference between both signals is that the analog signals have continuous electrical signals, while digital signals have non-continuous electrical signals.
Analog Signals were used in many systems to produce signals to carry information. These signals are continuous in both values and time. The use of analog signals has been declined with the arrival of digital signals. In short, to understand the analog signals – all signals that are natural or come naturally are analog signals. Digital Signals
, unlike analog signals, digital signals are not continuous, but signals are discrete in value and time. These signals are represented by binary numbers and consist of different voltage values. Their differences are as follows:
Analog Signals Digital Signals
Continuous signals Discrete signals
Represented by sine waves Represented by square waves
The Human voice, natural sound, analog electronic devices are few examples Computers, optical drives, and other electronic devices
A Continuous range of values Discontinuous values
Records sound waves as they are Converts into a binary waveform.
Only be used in analog devices. Suited for digital electronics like computers, mobiles, and more.
I think a Digital signal is better.