I should right away call the hospital or take him to a healthcare provider. This is definitely a head injury and the person is not bearing any external physical injury, but his mind is confused about What appended and he is under traumatic conditions and needs medical help.
Demand in relation to price
Demand curves show, quite simply, demand as it relates to the price of a product. So, one can see with a demand curve how demand would be affected by a change in price for a product.
According to the central principle of utility, actions are right in proportion, as they tend to promote happiness, and wrong, as they tend to produce the reverse of happiness (pain).
What is the principle of utility?</h3>
The concept of the principle of utility refers to the standard that determines whether or not any action is acceptable. According to the propensity it shows to either increase or decrease the happiness of the party whose interest is under consideration, or, to put it another way, to support or oppose that happiness.
For instance, the utilitarian viewpoint holds that you should select the flavour of ice cream that will make you feel the happiest if you are making a decision for yourself. If you like chocolate but detest vanilla, go with chocolate for the delight it will provide, and stay away from vanilla because it will make you unhappy.
Learn more about the principle of utility here: