Domain: (-∞,∞), Range: [2,∞)
Step-by-step explanation:
Given : The total number of cards in a deck = 52
Number of red cards = 26
There are two types of red cards : diamond and heart.
Number of diamond cards = 13
The probability that the first card is a diamond :-
Since diamond is also a red card.
Now, the total cards left = 51
The number of red cards left = 12
The probability that the second card is a red card (without repetition) is given by :-
Now, the probability of choosing a red card for the second card drawn, if the first card, drawn without replacement, was a diamond :-
Usually people love to travel via boat including me :). At some point you need to get off from boat.
Question is asking about what should we say when we get off from boat. There can be lots of answers for this question because there is no fixed rule to leave the boat.
You may say good bye or wish the people who are still on the boat.
In fact you are free to say anything in the world. :)
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The answer is a I hope this helped you out