Direct perception checking.
Direct perception checking is the process of finding out if a person’s perception/interpretation is correct. This can be done by explaining what your perception of something is to someone and having that person either verbally agree or disagree with the explanation. There are three parts to it, description of behavior (I noticed that your clothes are on the floor and the sink is full of unwashed dishes); two possible interpretation for the behavior (I don't know if you're so busy with school that you haven't had time to clean up, or if you're hoping that I will clean up); and request for clarification about how to interpret the behavior (can you help me understand what's going on?).
Adductor complex
The valgus of the knee is also known as the valgus collapse and medial displacement of the knee. It is characterized by an adduction and internal rotation of the hip, usually when it is in a hip-flexed position (the knee actually abducts and rotates externally). It can also be thought of as a knee that expires while you descend on a<u> squat </u>or landing. When standing on one limb, the pelvis on the opposite side usually also falls during the valgus collapse.
Inadequate gluteus / hip strength (lower gluteus, gluteus buttocks, gluteus maximus, external hip rotators), possibly in combination with<u> hyperactive hip adductors</u>, prevents adequate stabilization of the femur. The hips move in adduction and internal rotation. And when the adductors are hyperactive compared to the external buttocks / rotators of the hip, the knee is dragged in a manner similar to the collapse of the valgus.
Their lungs go bad and they can die
It is important to learn them just in case of an emergency