Using your phone while driving
Sorry babe i don't get your question if your question is "how does the body use food" then your answer is this (when you eat, your body breaks down all of the starches, sugars, fats, etc. from food that you eat, and uses that from the food you just ate for ENERGY so you can stay alive) so long story short your body uses food for ENERGY....but if that wasn't your question then i'm sorry i don't know
Sigmund Freud's stages of development explains the psychological stages of the sexual development in humans. These stages explain the libido psychology of the individuals.
The first stage of the Freud's stages of development is oral. The oral stage is the stage before 1 years of age. The child is in the first year of his development. This includes the development of the child in the oral stage only.
Thus, the correct answer is option (b).
I don't understand the question