B. Hand Sanitizer is never a substitute for hand washing.
Washing your hands with soap and water is critical for removing dirt and debris from the skin. The hand sanitizer, in turn, has the purpose of disinfecting, reducing the number of bacteria present in the region. Although the disinfectant kills microorganisms that may be present in your hand, it does not keep your hand clean so it is not an appropriate replacement for hand washing in some situations, such as after changing a baby's diaper and even before cooking is very welcome to use, but hand washing is extremely necessary.
Hand sanitizer kills the germs on the hand while handwashing gets rid of them completely. From experience, hand sanitizer is a more convenient and faster way to make sure that the bacteria is dead. Nurses commonly use hand sanitizer more as it is quicker and more efficient than hand washing. I would choose D or A but your guess is as good as mine. Hoped this helped a little.
in controlled experiment an independent variable is systematically manupulated and dependent variable is measured ; any extraneous variables are controlled