3.28 cm
To solve this problem, you need to know that a magnetic field B perpendicular to the movement of a proton that moves at a velocity v will cause a Force F experimented by the particle that is orthogonal to both the velocity and the magnetic Field. When a particle experiments a Force orthogonal to its velocity, the path it will follow will be circular. The radius of said circle can be calculated using the expression:
r = 
Where m is the mass of the particle, v is its velocity, q is its charge and B is the magnitude of the magnetic field.
The mass and charge of a proton are:
m = 1.67 * 10^-27 kg
q = 1.6 * 10^-19 C
So, we get that the radius r will be:
r =
= 0.0328 m, or 3.28 cm.

In that the gas thermometer is a constant volume, it is satisfied that:
How the boiling water is under regular atmospheric pressure, then


So for a minute lets ignore the 880 km/h. If it took 4 hours and she flew at 600 km/h 600*4=2400. Now lets Look at the 880 bit. If it took 4 hours and she where to fly at 880 it would've been 880*4=3520. Lets do 2400-600=1800, now we've got the 600 kmh bit done. Now lets see if you fly 880 km/h for one hour then you add 1800+880=2680.
Remember to thank and rate people who help you!
λ = 162 10⁻⁷ m
Bohr's model for the hydrogen atom gives energy by the equation
= - k²e² / 2m (1 / n²)
Where k is the Coulomb constant, e and m the charge and mass of the electron respectively and n is an integer
The Planck equation
E = h f
The speed of light is
c = λ f
E = h c /λ
For a transition between two states we have
= - k²e² / 2m (1 /
² -1 /
h c / λ = -k² e² / 2m (1 /
² - 1/
1 / λ = (- k² e² / 2m h c) (1 /
² - 1/
The Rydberg constant with a value of 1,097 107 m-1 is the result of the constant in parentheses
Let's calculate the emission of the transition
1 /λ = 1.097 10⁷ (1/10² - 1/8²)
1 / λ = 1.097 10⁷ (0.01 - 0.015625)
1 /λ = 0.006170625 10⁷
λ = 162 10⁻⁷ m