An imperative sentence is a sentence that states a command, like
Go get the book!
The first blank the answer is industrialization while the second blank is exclusion. Even supposing this theory is not as well recognized and is to some extent debatable, it has made a room in science for accepting how important communal forces have compressed the separate and shared lives of the elderly.
A book is censored when someone in authority limits publication of or access to it.
Hope this helps :)
Is it possible to avoid it? Yes I believe so for certain well developed countries with many resources.
For smaller, underdeveloped countries it would prove possible if population willing to go without the certain product or service. If they have never had it they won't miss it.
That question has many factors to consider.
1: 30%
2: (this is probably said in the end of the video you must have watched)
3: transitional zone
4: (must be in the video you watched)