1-Without gravity you can't grow any plant or tree because dirt would fly away
2-We are using gravity for a lot of physics system too
3-All the water on Earth would have been flying in the space
4-There wouldn't be atmosphere.
Explanation: Distant galaxies appear to be larger than those close by because of cosmic expansion. light from nearer galaxies travel farther and makes the other to be billions of years away. The farther it takes to get to another galaxy, the bigger it appears
The community off animals
Home of atoms of hydrogen also the lightest element in the universe.
Radiative Zone
Outside the inner Core it radiates energy through the process of photon emission.
Convection Layer
Outer most Layer of the Core, it extends form a depth of 200,000 kilometres to the visible surface. Energy is created by Convection. This is where light is produced.
Surrounds the stars and is where light and heat radiate.
Reddish gas layer outside of the photosphere I think it also works with the Corona.
Aura of Plasma that surrounds the Sun and other stars, it extends millions of kilometres and easily seen during a total eclipse.