Answer:This is to you! you are a brilliant and sweet person. you are loved by many. if you send this out to 15 people in the next hour you will have the best of luck for a year. if you send it to 30 people in the next year than your crush will ask you out soon. Don't break the chain or you will have 7 years of bad luck. go!
A: Love
B:Because your bored
C: Sad
Don't judge people for their beliefs. I'm watching...
Thank you for listening. Take care, and NEVER GIVE UP!
It would have potential energy because it has the potential to be falling at a faster rate. There are things that factor in such as falling speed and gravity as well which gives it the potential to fall at a faster rate. It also has kinetic energy because it is already in the motion of Falling down so it has that energy that would be the impact when it hits the ground. It can have both at the same time because it is already in motion with kinetic energy and it has the potential to fall at a faster rate.
all atoms have a dense central core Corvette Atomic nucleus forming the nucleus or two kinds of particles protons which have a positive electric charge and neutrons have no charge