C. underground road
Generally compound curves are not filtered and recommended for use in an underground road. However, they are best used in the road, water way, and rail way.
Ancient machines have paved the way for improvement by being the foundation for change. these machines made it possible to find flaws so in the next generations, they could fix, develop, and produce better quality machines. eventually this process has reached the present time but after today, the process will continue to produce even better quality machines than the time before. I hope this helps!
Scientists observe the world, while engineers focus on creating. While both fields do involve observation and analysis, engineering mainly deals with creating and working on already existing creations, while scientists work with things in nature.
First of all,we need to know what kind of research and how important it is before determining which computation method to use .
Then compare end result of research and cost of expensive methods .
Then we should opt for the best expensive method to be used for the given application.