This problem must be solved using a sketch. I attached an illustration of the problem.
You must trace the ray that reflects from the top off the table to your eyes. This how eyesight works, light rays reflects off the objects into your eyes.
Law of reflection tells us that light ray reflects off the surface at the same angle in which it falls on it( i attached another illustration of this).
Now we can write tangens equations:

We solve for h:
A. attracted to the negative terminal of the voltage source.
When an electron is displaced in a semiconductor, the hole that's left behind is
A. attracted to the negative terminal of the voltage source.
The electron leaving leaves a net + charge, which is attracted to the negative terminal.
in china, there is a family limit for only having 1 child
at 10 billion people on earth, we will most likely run out of food supply

This is a projectile motion problem. We will first separate the motion into x- and y-components, apply the equations of kinematics separately, then we will combine them to find the initial velocity.
The initial velocity is in the x-direction, and there is no acceleration in the x-direction.
On the other hand, there no initial velocity in the y-component, so the arrow is basically in free-fall.
Applying the equations of kinematics in the x-direction gives

For the y-direction gives

Combining both equation yields the y_component of the final velocity

Since we know the angle between the x- and y-components of the final velocity, which is 180° - 2.8° = 177.2°, we can calculate the initial velocity.