Subject-Matter Achievement Goal
1. My subject-matter achievement goal is:
Answer: Read 1 full chapter book in 1 week
2. My action steps are:
Answer: Read an equal amount of chapters every day for a week
3. My time frame is:
Answer: 1 week
4. Assets and Strengths:
Answer: ability to focus,
5. Motivation:
Answer: Great interest in the book I chose
6. Obstacles:
Answer: Might lose page number, forget where I am at in the book, forget to read one day
7. Solutions:
Answer: Get or make a bookmark, keep a personal reading log, set alarm for a certain time each day
Study/Organizational Skills Goal
8. My study/organizational skills goal is:
Answer: manage my time better
9. My action steps are:
Answer: planning things out to be more organized
10. My time frame is:
Answer: from now to the end of the school year
11. Assets and Strengths:
Answer: a planner so I can pace myself
12. Motivation:
Answer: give breaks and take time to do things I enjoy
13. Obstacles:
Answer: leaving things last minute
14. Solutions:
Answer: planning to do certain things before a certain day
This can be for any of those goals
Personal Enrichment Goal
15. My personal enrichment goal is:
Answer: Stay healthy
16. My action steps are:
Answer: eat healthier foods
17. My time frame is:
Answer: now to the end of the school year
18. Assets and Strengths:
Answer: I don't make a big deal out of eating veggies and stuff
19. Motivation:
Answer: treat myself every so often
20. Obstacles:
Answer: Craving junk food
21. Solutions:
Answer: find a way to make healthier foods taste similar to junk food (EX. Put cheese on broccoli)