a H2CO3 b HCO3- and c H+ and HCO3-
As the pKa value of phenol is more than that of carbonic acid(H2CO3), the carbonic acid will have high Ka value than that of phenol.
The acid that contain high Ka value act as stong acid.From that point of view H2CO3 is a strong acid than phenol as the Ka value of carbonic acid is greater than that of phenol.
The conjugate base of H2CO3 is bicarbonate ion(HCO3-)
c The species that predorminates at equilibrium are H+ and HCO3-
Wax is definitely susceptible to heat and with the application of heat such as burning a candle, the solid wax gets converted into a liquid. This fact can be used to remove ear wax also actually using hollow candles that will melt the ear wax and allow it to be drained out of the ear.
A hurricane wiping out a new species of flower in the tropical rain forests of Brazil.

Hello there!
In this case, since the titration of acids like KHP with bases like NaOH are performed in a 1:1 mole ratio, it is possible for us to know that their moles are the same at the equivalence point, and the concentration, volume and moles are related as follows:

Thus, by solving for the volume of the base as NaOH, we obtain:

Best regards!
through solids because the molecules are closer together