Answer:Schizotypal personality disorder
Doug would most Likely be diagnosed with Schizotypal personality disorder(STPD).
A schizotypal personality disorder is a type of Mental disorder in which an individual exhibits social anxiety, Paranoid ideation, inappropriate social responses, Peculiar and unusual behavior.
People with this disorder avoid forming relationships as they think peers might harbor negative feelings about them. These people need a constant need for medication for anxiety attacks.
fruits and vegetables-rythu bazaar, come from the food grains,oils....
widespread in a particular area or at a particular time.
example:The custom is prevalent in today's society.
The air was stale and hot
At that time, there were no regulations about how the Factories should handle their waste/pollutants. So most of them just dumped them to the environment near the factory.
As a result, those who lives in slums near the factories have to experience u stale and hot air that is caused by the production. This caused many of them to develop some sort of respiratory illness.