For me, standing on the summit of Mt Everest was the result of following a process. The process of mountaineering. I love mountaineering. I am passionate about it. I love the months of planning for an expedition, the months of sweating and training to prepare my body physically. The meticulous preparation of my equipment. Most of all I love the huge mental challenge I have to overcome before each climb to confront my own fear. All these reasons are why I climb, they are why I climbed Mt Everest and that is why I continue to climb.
Passion is an enormously powerful force. It gives us the strength to get through hard times and setbacks. It gives us strength to overcome our fears, to ignore what other people think of us, to be disciplined and make sacrifices in pursuit of our dreams. Passionate people do not want to take shortcuts – they consider that ‘learning the process’ is an important part of the journey.
In mountaineering it’s easy to spot those who are not passionate about the process. They want to stand on top of the mountain but they are not really interested in the process of climbing the mountain. I feel for these people. Success without hard work is a hollow, empty feeling. They never last long in the sport.
Just as in life, successful mountaineers are the ones who are passionate. They are not there just to stand on the summit. Their passion gives them the energy to work the hardest, fight the longest, and in the words of Winston Churchill “never, never. never give-up”.
Here we can use the work energy theorem

here we know that

as it come to rest finally

now work done by friction force will be given as

Work done by spring force is given as

so now plug in all data above

so above is the friction coefficient
Answer: The green house effect is best described by option 4 (Energy given off by earth is reflected off of earth's atmosphere back down to the surface).
The green house effect can be described as the energy given off by earth is reflected off of earth's atmosphere back down to the surface.
When energy from the sun passes through the atmosphere, some are absorbed which keeps the earth surface warm. While the rest is reflected back largely by cloud.
The energy which is emitted from the earth surface is called the infrared radiation. Some of the infrared radiation passess through the atmosphere but most is absorbed and re- emitted in all directions by the greenhouse gas molecules and clouds. This effect warms the earth surface and the lower atmosphere. Therefore this statement (Energy given off by earth is reflected off of earth's atmosphere back down to the surface) is correct about greenhouse effect.
For the greenhouse effect to occur, greenhouse gas molecules are mostly needed. Examples of these gases include:
--> Carbon dioxide (CO2),
--> Water vapor (H2O), and
--> Methane (CH4)
Over the years, the excessive human activities has lead to increase in the greenhouse gas molecules which has negatively affected the greenhouse effects.
The other 4 kg of mass may have departed the scene
of the fire, in the form of gases and smoke particles.