Using the same antenna. Now he doesn't know if it was the antenna that caused the change in reception. so he wasn't only measuring the reception in his house he was measuring it based on different antennas
<h2>Hey There!</h2><h2>_____________________________________</h2><h2>Question 7:
The graph of
• The I-V for Ohmic Metal wire conductor at constant temperature always shows a straight line between the Current(I) plotted at Y axis and Voltage(V) plotted at X axis. Picture 1
• The I-V graph for Diode shows that first the current is zero but as we increase the potential difference(voltage), it results in the increase in the current. Picture 2
</h2><h2>Question 8:
A diode is a device that allows current to flow in only one direction.
Forward Bias, When a diode is forward bias (a voltage in the "forward" direction) then the P-side of the diode is attached to the positive terminal and N-side is fixed to the negative side of the battery which is connected, current flows freely through the device. The forward bias decreases the thickness of potential barrier(The potential barrier barrier in which the charge requires additional force for crossing the region)
Reverse Bias, When a diode is Reverse bias(a voltage in the "backward direction) then the P-side of the diode is connected to the negative terminal and N-side is connected to the positive terminal of the battery which is connected. The reverse bias increases the thickness of the potential barrier resulting in the flow of no current.
The Forward bias decreases the resistance of the diode whereas the reversed bias increases the resistance of the diode. As in forward biasing the current is easily flowing through the circuit whereas reverse bias does not allow the current to flow through it.
</h2><h2>Best Regards,
Turn the heater on
There are two main forces involved in a balloon flight
The downward force is the total weight of the balloon: the air it contains, the gas bag, the basket, the passengers, etc.
The upward force is the weight of the of the air the balloon displaces.
During level flight
buoyant force = weight of displaced air - total weight of balloon
If you increase the temperature of the air in the bag, the air molecules spread out and leave through the bottom of the bag.
The balloon still has the same volume, so the weight of displaced outside air stays the same.
However, the balloon has lost some hot inside air, so its total weight decreases.
The upward force is greater than the downward force, so the balloon rises.