b. Compartmentalize your learning
Compartmentalize learning is a term that involves division of knowledge acquired or to be acquired into separate category or division. However, in self-directed learning compartmentalizing is not part of the strategy, as individuals often may not understand how best to categorize the learning topics and processes, but rather, it is easier to identify the learning goals, cultivate intrinsic motivation and as well practicing what has been learned.
Indian children were taught modern education introduced by the British. The introduction of this form of education placed a high value of education in India which is still seen today.
A grid of squares helps the map-reader to locate a place. The vertical lines are called eastings. They are numbered - the numbers increase to the east. The horizontal lines are called northings as the numbers increase in an northerly direction
Answer: Self
Explanation: The self is simply the schema that has every single detail about our self. It can be refered to as a dynamic responsive procedure that structures neural pathways over a significant amount of time, both past and present including; spiritual perspective, material and social perspective. It is categorized into the body and the superficial self of mind.