obesity it can not be form of malnutrition
Effleurage is basically a form of massage involving a circular stroke movement made with the palm of the hand. Effleurage can be firm or light without dragging the skin, and is performed using either the padded parts of the finger tips or the palmar surface of the hands.
Option B
In the given situation, Veronica imagines all the possible foods that could be cooked with including all the items from the list and imagines the taste all of the food.
This is really an elaborative practice system where she is adding significance to the data. Mnemonics are intricate authoritative plans for learning.
A Mnemonics is an instructional system intended to enable understudies to enhance their memory of significant data.
This system interfaces new learning to earlier information using visual or potentially acoustic signs.
Select all that apply. U Isolating themselves or pushing away friends. More angry or irritable than usual, Behaviors that harm friendships. Showing less interest in things they once loved, Engaging in potentially risky behaviors. U A change in behaviors that impairs their ability to function. 1. See answer.