The wave length of light. This determinds the color/type of light.
5,844 grams of NaCl
Knowing the molecular weight 58,44 g/mole and saying 1 molar solution is 58,44 of NaCl in 1 liter of solution. 100 mL means 10% of the whole solution then we are going to have 10% of NaCl
58,44 x 0,1 = 5,844 grams of NaCl
A mineral is a naturally occurring , solid, crystalline substance with a specific chemical composition. Minerals are usually inorganic and are formed by ionic, covalent or metallic bonding. Ionic bonds are the dominant type of bonds in mineral strictures. 90% of all minerals are ionic compounds. Minerals bonded by covalent bonds are strong, for example carbon bonded together to form diamond. Metallic bonds are a type of covalent bonds where the atoms have a strong tendency to lose electrons and pack together as cations.