We want to know what does the fact that Mercury has no atmosphere tell us. Since Mercury has no atmosphere it cant reflect a lot of sunlight that is hitting its surface. Its constantly being hit by solar wind. So Mercury reflects a small percentage of the sunlight that strikes it.
Based on the scenario being described within the question it can be said that these types of firms are in the decline stage of the product life cycle. This stage refers to when a product has already passed it's peak potential and sales begin to decline until production is ultimately halted and the product dies off. Which is exactly what is happening to the LP's since everyone has moved on to digital downloads.
18.7842493212 W
T = Tension = 1871 N
= Linear density = 3.9 g/m
y = Amplitude = 3.1 mm
= Angular frequency = 1203 rad/s
Average rate of energy transfer is given by

The average rate at which energy is transported by the wave to the opposite end of the cord is 18.7842493212 W
C. Maintain correct Posture