import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv("file_csv")
df.to_excel("file.xlsx", sheet_name = "name_of_sheet")
# or use: with df.ExcelWriter("file.xlsx", mode='a') as file,
#df.to_excel(file, sheet_name= "sheet name")
This python source code uses the pandas package to read csv (comma separated values) file and converts it to an excel file (xlsx) using the read_csv and ExcelWriter methods respectively.
Path. In *nix the dirname command can be used to isolate it.
You can be:
expelled from school
fired from your job
not accepted into college
sometimes you can even be sued
<span>Word can pull data from a variety of data sources to perform a mail merge. As part of the Microsoft Office suite, Word easily accepts data from Outlook, Excel, and Access, and other data sources such as web pages, OpenDocument text files, and delimited data files stored as plain text. And if you don't have an existing data source, you can create a new one in Word.
C. system software
if it means drivers and so on