True I guess is the answer
In order to accurately evaluate progress in a flexibility workout regimen, it is important to establish a baseline level of flexibility and then to track progress during the regimen from that starting point. A baseline establishes where an individual is before starting a program; without a baseline, it would be difficult to know how much progress has been made as a result of the workout regimen. Tracking progress during a regimen is important because that information establishes the effectiveness of the regimen.
Relax... Your mouth does not have the vasculature that would allow you to bleed out. By this time some healing should have formed but it would still be a raw wound. The best thing you should do is press gauze on the wound, as well as put some alcohol, just to keep out infection. Just see your doctor in the morning.
Your mouth if anything should be fine.
no one can really answer that question u have to find it in u from what it is that makes u happy to show your love just the way u are