No you may not..............................
Ouefoiaebfvoabdnvo UTERUS sdofbqwwoubf (had to type other stuff lol)
In humans, the sex of the baby is determined by the sperm. The sperm gamete is heterogamatic because approximately half of them contain the X chromosome which will result in a girl and approximately half of them contain the Y chromosome which will result in a boy.
Just talking to another person that
you trust
will help become aware of your feelings. (This might be
your parent, a brother or sister, best friend, or your religious leader
.) This is the, first step to understanding if there is a emotional, or social, or even a mental problem. A good way to resolve this problem is throw
self expression such as art, or writing short story's or pottery.
just talking to another person can make make a world of differents.