Answer: The correct answer: The periods of apostasy. The judges and the nation's the Israelites were delivered from
1.From the Mesopotamians ---------- Otoniel
2.from the Moabites ---------- Ehud
3.from the Philistines ---------- Samson
4.from the Canaanites ---------- Deborah
5. from the Midianites ----------- Gideon
6. from the Ammonites ----------- Jephtah
7. from the Philistines after forty years Samson ----------- Shamgar
Answer: consumers would soon run out of food?
Three elements need to be present in an ecosystem to work - producers, consumers, and decomposers. The producers would produce, consumers to consume what is produced and decomposers to decompose.
If there were no producers, it would create a void at the beginning of the food chain, preventing it from functioning. Consumers would soon run out of food. They would starve and soon may die unless they could move to another habitat.