Volume is often measured numerically using the International System of Units (SI unit), the cubic meter. for example volume of a cube is measured using a cubic centimeter (cm3), the metric system includes the liter (L) as a unit of volume, where one liter is the volume of a 10-centimeter cube.
To know which option is correct, we shall determine the name of the compound.
To obtain the name of the compound, do the following:
1. Determine the longest continuous carbon chain. This gives the parent name of the compound.
2. Identify the substituent group attached to the compound.
3. Locate the position of the substituent group by giving it the lowest possible count.
4. Combine the above to obtain the name of the compound.
Now, we shall determine the name of the compound as follow:
1. The longest continuous carbon chain is 5. Thus, the parent name of the compound is pentane.
2. The substituent group attached is methyl (–CH₃)
3. There are two methyl group attached to the compound. One is located at carbon 2 and the other at carbon 3.
4. Therefore, the name of the compound is:
None of the options are correct.
The coefficients in a chemical equation represent the molar ratio of the substances.
For example, if an equation says 2H2 + O2 ⇒ 2H2O, it means
2 moles of H2 + 1 mol of O2 ⇒ 2 moles of H2O.
its 40
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