The sun
is beacuse ti is the biggest star ever
One is in the area of psychopharmacology where drugs have been used to calm disorders in mood, sensation, thinking, and behavior. Second, the study of biological rhythms and sleep have been used to manage cases of insomnia. Thirdly, this overlap has helped Improve learning language and cognition in children with autism.
Yes, The neocortex is the center for higher brain functions, such as perception, decision-making and language. Our group focuses on the mechanisms governing neocortex development, with a strong interest on the role and regulation of the neural stem cells.
-Allele frequency change
In single-gene traits, natural selection can lead to allele frequency change.
-Allele frequencies can change over time within a single population, and frequently differ between populations. This change is due to four different processes: mutation, selection (natural and artificial), gene flow and genetic drift.
-Random forces lead to genetic drift. Sometimes, there can be random fluctuations in the numbers of alleles in a population. These changes in relative allele frequency, called genetic drift, can either increase or decrease by chance over time.