Oooo that ones hard. ummm... idk i think we should just leave it to the experts ya know.
7200 joules of heat and light energy was dissipated into the air. But no work was done ... no force moved through no distance.
Because of the location, humidity and temperatures.
Coca is grown in humid and very humid subtropical forests, called yungas and
they form the lower floor of the upper Jungle, in the Central Andes, mostly in Peru and Bolivia. The yungas are in contact with the rainforests of the lowlands in Amazonia, where it has been started to expand coca cultivation recently (Dourojeanni, 1988). The optimum altitude is 1000 a 2000 meters (where cocaine content is higher), with optimal annual average precipitation, is 2000 meters mm, but it is grown between 700 and 2000 msnm and with an average annual rainfall of 1000 to 4200 mm.
msnm = meters above sea level
The visible light frequency is 400 THz to 700 THz, approximately. A THz is a Terahertz, which is a unit of frequency equal to one trillion Hertz.